CLINTERPOL Managing Director (right) receiving Clinterpol’s Registration Licence and Certificate from the Industry Regulator (Kenya Private Security Regulatory Authority – PSRA) Chief Executive Officer Mr. Fazul Mohammed. This is after Clinterpol successfully undergone a thorough, elaborate and comprehensive re-vetting exercise by the Statutory Authority (PSRA). This 19th day of May 2022.

Clinterpol Managing Director Mr. Clinton Obongo, addressing over three hundred high school principals/head teachers and senior police heads from Nakuru City County on 3rd December 2021 during Education Stakeholders Consultative Forum on Schoool Unrest, Security and Safety organized by National Police Service Nakuru City County, Ministry of Education Nakuru City County and Clinterpol (then Background Checks Security and Investigations Ltd). Clinterpol awarded over three hundred certificates to the participants.

Clinterpol Managing Director Mr. Clinton Obongo (Centre), Inspector General (IG) of Kenya National Police Service Hillary N. Mutyambai, MGH, nsc (AU) (Far Right), Nyale Munga, the Principal Assistant to the Inspector General (behind IG) and Francis Mugendi, the Managing Director of Omega Risk during a fundraising dinner for the Kenya Police F.C held on 9th November 2021 at Serena Hotel.

Clinterpol Managing Director appearances at various TV Stations to discuss and provide expert opinion on various topical issues; a. Invited at K24 TV to provide expert opinion on Kayole Gaza Gang. b. On K24 TV to discuss the importance of conducting Pre-Employment Background Screening and Vetting. c. On KBC explaining the importance of Crime Prevention.

CLINTERPOL SECURITY AND FORENSICS carried out a very successful CORPORATE FRAUD MANAGEMENT AND CYBER SECURITY TRAINING at Crowne Plaza Hotel – Upper Hill, Nairobi City for a period of three days (27th, 29th July 2022). After the successful training, Mr. OGW, Bruno Shiosho, the Kenya National Police Service Communication Director and Spokesperson joined the Managing Director Clinton Obong’o in cutting the cake in celebration of a successful training. All the participants received certificates.

a. President of American Society of Industrial Security (ASIS International) Mr. Malcolm Smith (right) with Clinterpol Managing Director Mr. Clinton Obong’o on 5th May 2022 at a dinner held in honour of the president at Serena Hotel organized by ASIS Kenya Chapter. b. President of American Society of Industrial Security (ASIS International) Mr. Malcolm Smith (left) and Clinterpol Managing Director Mr. Clinton Obong’o at a Security Conference held at Serena Hotel on 6th May 2022. c. Rigt to Left:The Executive Advisor to Director Criminal Investigation Boss Mr. Mohammed Roba, The Managing Director of Arope Group Ms. Victoria Mulwa with Clinterpol Managing Director Mr. Clinton Obong’o. d. Left to Right: ASIS International Kenya Chapter President Mr. Tobias See, President of American Society of Industrial Security (ASIS International) Mr. Malcolm Smith, Managing Director Seneca East Africa Ms. Annette Kimitei with Managing Director Clinterpol Mr. Clinton Obong’o.

Jovial participants display their certificates awarded to them by Clinterpol after successful participation in Security and Safety Awareness and Sensitization Training. Our client had invited Clinterpol to have their staff capacity developed to properly position them on among others, Disaster and Emergency Preparedness and Response.

Clinterpol Managing Director Clinton Obongo with (a) Director of Criminal Investigations Mr. George Kinoti and (b) Director of Public Prosecution during Kenya Revenue Authority Yearly Tax Payers Event held at Safari Park Hotel to celebrate Distinguished Tax Payers.

Clinterpol team from Risks, Audits and Safety Division conducting Security and Safety Survey and Audit – Threat, Vulnerability and Risk (TVR) Assessment for a client expansive establishment.

Clinterpol joins Kenya Anti-Counterfeit Agency in “Stop Counterfeits for Health and Safety” walk to mark the world Anti-Counterfeit Day. Clinterpol Managing Director Mr. Clinton Obongo (Right) and Director General of Kenya Anti-Counterfeit Agency Mr. Helema Halake.

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Email – clinterpolconsulting@gmail.com, clinterpol@clinterpol.com
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P.O Box 50272-00200, Nairobi Kenya
Riruta, Naivasha - Kikuyu Road, Mbugua Plaza